SCTL: Scientific Computing Template Library

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SCTL is a header-only C++ library providing various functionalities for scientific computing. This documentation outlines these functionalities and provides a guide to getting started.


The only requirement to use SCTL is a working C++11 compliant compiler with OpenMP 4.0 support. It has been tested with GCC-9 and newer.

Getting Started


SCTL requires a C++11 compliant compiler with OpenMP 4.0 support.

To get started, download the latest version of SCTL from the SCTL GitHub.

git clone

Since SCTL is a header-only library, it does not require compilation or installation. Simply include the sctl.hpp header file in your C++ project and start using the provided classes and functions.

#include <sctl.hpp>

Ensure the compiler can locate the header file by providing the path to SCTL_ROOT/include using the flag -I ${SCTL_ROOT}/include.

Optional Dependencies

The following libraries can be optionally used when available. If not available, SCTL uses its own implementation which may be slower.

  • BLAS: Enable by defining SCTL_HAVE_BLAS.

  • LAPACK: Enable by defining SCTL_HAVE_LAPACK.

  • libmvec: Enable by defining SCTL_HAVE_LIBMVEC.

  • Intel SVML: Enable by defining SCTL_HAVE_SVML.

  • MPI: Enable by defining SCTL_HAVE_MPI (see Comm).

  • FFTW: Enable double precision by defining SCTL_HAVE_FFTW, single precision by defining SCTL_HAVE_FFTWF, or long double precision by defining SCTL_HAVE_FFTWL (see FFT).

  • PVFMM: Enable by defining SCTL_HAVE_PVFMM (requires MPI, see ParticleFMM).

To enable support for any of these libraries, define the corresponding flag during compilation. For example, to enable MPI support, use -DSCTL_HAVE_MPI.

Optional Compiler Flags

The following compiler flags can be used to enable or disable specific features in SCTL:

Features and Capabilities

The following list outlines the primary features and capabilities provided by the library, along with references to detailed tutorials and documentation for each component:

  • Basic Data Structures: Fundamental classes for storing and manipulating data.

    • Vector: Dynamically allocated linear array.

    • Matrix, Permutation: Dynamically allocated 2D array for matrix operations.

    • Tensor: Statically allocated multi-dimensional array.

  • Spectral Methods: Methods for spectral representations and transformations.

    • FFT: Wrapper for FFTW to perform fast Fourier transforms.

    • SphericalHarmonics: Computing spherical harmonics.

  • Boundary Integral Methods: Techniques for solving partial differential equations using boundary integral representations.

    • BoundaryIntegralOp: Generic class for instantiating layer-potential operators.

    • Kernel functions: Contains a variety of kernel functions for integral equations.

    • ParticleFMM: Integration with PVFMM for particle N-body calculations.

  • High Performance Computing (HPC): Tools for parallel and distributed computing.

    • Comm: Wrapper for MPI to facilitate parallel computing.

    • Vec: SIMD vectorization class for optimized computations.

    • OpenMP utilities: Parallel algorithms such as merge-sort and scan using OpenMP.

    • Profile: Tools for profiling and performance analysis.

  • Legacy (Unmaintained): Older functionalities that are no longer actively maintained.

    • Boundary quadrature: Boundary integrals on quad-patches using hedgehog quadrature.

    • ChebBasis: Tensor product Chebyshev basis for general-dimension computations.


This project originated at the University of Texas at Austin, received support from New York university between 2017 and 2020, and is now supported by the Flatiron Institute.